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Pondok Pesantren Subulus Salam

External links - Jquery Pondok Pesantren Subulus Salam terletak di pinggir jalan Syuhada’ desa Ngunut, Kecamatan Babadan, Kabupaten Ponorogo, Jawa Timur. Dikelilingi oleh pemukiman warga, kebun dan sawah, suasana di pondok tersebut tenang dan damai. Tamu yang mengunjungi Subulus Salam pertama masuk lewat jalan utama akan melihat tulisan Pondok Pesantren Subulus Salam dan menghadap rumah keluarga kyai yang sederhana dan bersahaja.?

Kunjungi Kami di website resmi kami:) Terima Kasih Atas Kunjungannya

SMP Ma'arif-3 Ponorogo

External links - Jquery SMP Ma’arif - 3 Ponorogo sebagai Sekolah Islam Terpadu yang terakreditasi B sebagaimana keputusan Ketua Badan Akreditasi Propinsi Jawa Timur terus berupaya menjadi lembaga pendidikan terbaik yang mampu mengemban amanah untuk meningkatkan kompetensi anak bangsa yang kompetitif. Ayo Gabung Bersama Kami.

Mengapa SMP Ma'arif-3 Ponorogo ? Kunjungi Kami di :)

Sekilas Tentang Admin Magapo!

External links - Jquery Admin Magapo merupakan wadah bagi siswa untuk belajar dan berkreasi dalam mendisain website dan juga Design Grafis yang berbasis pada Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, Flash dan lain-lainnya, di website ini mereka akan dibina dan dipandu dalam menguasai hal-hal tersebut di atasKUNJUNGI KAMI:)

Design Web Admin Magapo!

Thumbnail image that says sleek button using photoshop that links to a Photoshop tutoril. Builder this Website is one teacher of Junior High School Of Ma'arif-3 Ponorogo. Dia selalu aktif meng-update data-data terbaru baik itu yang berkaitan dengan Sekolah maupun ilmu pengetahuan yang berkaitan dengan IT, maupun Agama

anda Tertarik! kunjungi kami:)

Rabu, 10 Februari 2010

Delete, Cancel and Terminate Facebook Account and Profile

better way to bring relationship with friends closer or Facebook account has seriously invaded your privacy and security, you can easily terminate, delete or cancel Facebook account, together with the Facebook profile.
  1. Sign in to Facebook account.
  2. Click on Account link on the top right corner.

    Facebook Account

  3. On the “Settings” tab (click on Settings if you’re not already there), click on deactivate at the end of “Deactivate Account” line.

    Deactivate Facebook

  4. “Confirm Facebook Account Deactivation” page will load. Select one of the reasons why you want to delete your Facebook account, such as I don’t feel safe on the site, I spend too much time using Facebook, I have another Facebook account, This is temporary. I’ll be back, I need to fix something in my account, I don’t understand how to use the site, I receive too many emails from Facebook, I don’t find Facebook useful or Facebook is resulting in social drama for me. If you have some special reason on why you want to terminate your Facebook account not listed in the list, click on Other and type in your own explanation in the text box provided.

    Confirm Facebook Deactivation

  5. If you no longer want to receive any invite, notification of friend requests, tag in photos, or ask you to join groups from Facebook, click and tick the check box of Opt out of receiving emails from Facebook. option to opt out and NOT receive these email invitations and notifications from your friends.
  6. Click on Deactivate button.
  7. Once the Facebook account is deactivated, the following message will appear:

    Your Facebook account has been deactivated.

    To reactivate your account, simply log in as you normally would, and we’ll send you a reactivation email.

    Come back soon,
    The Facebook Team

  8. Now your Facebook account is deactivated, but still can be reactivated. So do not attempt to login with to your Facebook account anymore, as doing so will reactivate your account if you click on the reactivation confirmation link sent to your registered email. According to Facebook Privacy Policy, removed information may persist in backup copies for a reasonable period of time but will not be generally available to members of Facebook. So probably wait for a few months or years before attempting to login to verify that all your information is cleaned.

Although can be reactivated and restore your profile in its entirety (friends, photos, interests, etc), deactivation works to completely remove your profile and all associated content on your account from Facebook. In addition, users will not be able to search for you or view any of your information.

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